Anyway, more about that later.
The 16th of April this year I found out that the activity on the geometric storms would be quite high the same night, high enough to see northern lights from southern Sweden. That was good news for me, since I missed the awesome aurora show 17th/18th of March. At 23:30 I took my camera and went outside. I didn't have any high hopes but after a couple of shots a faint green layer started to appear on the photos. A half hour passed and I'd still only seen it through the camera, but it was definitely more clear and some purple tones were visibly. Suddenly, a vague pillar of aurora borealis became clear and for a couple of minutes I watched my first northern lights flicker on the sky . Then it disappeared as quick as it appeared.
The project I talked about earlier will get an own page here on the site and I'll wright about how aurora borealis and other weather phenomenons are created, among other things.