I have enjoyed two mornings on store mosse this week. Last Tuesday I went out before school. When I got there at 05:40 a black redstart were singing active at the factory. Out on the water there were some whopper swans and a late 2k tundra swan. At 07:30 three great egrets past over my head, such a lovely surprise! Saturday morning I went on on the bog once again, this time I sat in the hide. A adult tundra swan were present this day, along with many whopper swans and a mute swan. The black redstart was a real showoff, singing right next to me. All pictures are as always, found under Latest Pictures
Sometimes you doesn't have to go very far to enjoy nature, at least that's the case for me. This week I have had long days, and some evenings I got home at sunset. This meant that, if I wanted to go out to take some picture and get some air, I needed to go out past sunset. It's quite interesting to be forced to play with high ISO and long shutter-speeds. Lucky me, our surroundings are crowded with Roe deers as well as many playing woodcocks. Here are some pictures:
Later the same day I went to a friend of the family to listened to a Eagle owl in Northern Scania. Sadly we failed to hear it, but I experimented high-key pictures and caught this Starling (stare) and Red-winged thrush (Rödvingetrast). I also captured tow other Red-winged thrushes in none high-key.
Some pictures form an early morning at store mosse, two days ago. The same day I went to Helsingborg as well, to observe the Short-toed treecreeper, which has been seen there for a while. New lifer for me!
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April 2016
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